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What’s Happening?

The MTA, as part of a long-term citywide redesign of the Bus network, released a draft plan for Brooklyn in December 2022. The plan changes large portions of the Brooklyn bus network, following on the heels of a Queens redesign in October of 2022, and the Bronx in 2021. After public outreach, a final design will probably arrive sometime in 2023-2024.

We’ve been following the network redesign for a while. It was delayed during COVID, but the MTA did outreach in Bay Ridge back in November of 2019 at the Bay Ridge Library. They’ll be following up with a public feedback session on February 9th.

There are a few things you should know before checking out the changes.

More Distance Between Stops. First, bus stops are being removed far more than they’re being added. This is to reach a target goal of around 1,000 to 1,320 feet between stops on average… as opposed to 800 or so feet, which is what we have now. Some Bay Ridge stops, for example, are on the same block as each other… way too close. This makes the bus stop far too often, slowing it down significantly. By spacing out stops a bit, the MTA can make the busses run more reliably and faster.

Near Side and Far Side Stops. It might seem like a trivial thing, but WHERE a bus stops on the block is actually really important. Most studies show that bus stops placed before traffic lights slows down the route, as opposed to placing stops after traffic lights. This is known as Near-Side vs. Far-Side placement. When a stop is right before a traffic light or intersection, it can be difficult for the bus to easily merge into traffic when the light turns green. It can also force cars to make blind right turns around the bus, endangering pedestrians. Finally, it makes new technology like traffic signal prioritization totally useless. So, you’ll see some changes involving moving bus stops across an intersection. That’s why!

Rerouting. Bay Ridge wasn’t a priority for changing bus routes themselves. That focus went to critically underserved neighborhoods elsewhere in Brooklyn with far less bus access than we enjoy. But there were a few reroutes in our vicinity, most notably the B64, which no longer goes down Bay Ridge Avenue and instead heads to the Brooklyn Army Terminal and NYU Langone. This is part of the MTA’s desire to adjust to new commuting patterns. Many of Bay Ridge’s bus routes haven’t changed since they were upgraded from trolley lines in the 1940s! It only makes sense that some things need to be changed around.

What can I do?

If any of the below changes concern you, please submit a comment directly to the MTA! That’s the bare minimum: let them know and make sure you have a comment submitted. You can also sign this petition that has been circulated by City Councilmember Justin Brannan hoping to influence the MTA’s decision.

You can also reach out to Community Board 10. While they don’t have oversight over the MTA, they are drafting a letter about the cuts and it’s important to make sure your concerns are included there.

Further, the MTA is holding a Zoom meeting on February 9th to go over the changes as part of a public workshop. You need to register in advance, so please be sure to do so, and you can let the MTA know directly!

Finally, you can organize. Put up flyers on your block or in your apartment building notifying people of the changes you are concerned about. Get a group together, and coordinate on the methods outlined above, including reaching out to the press! Bay Ridge has successfully fought for improved public transit service before, and it can do so again.

What About Dyker? What about the X28?

Sorry! We had to draw our line somewhere, and we made a strict boundary around Bay Ridge for our analysis…

But that doesn’t mean we’re gonna leave you in the dark! We published a complete map of all the changes over on Tableau where you can browse and interact with all the changes in both Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights. We don’t include our reviews over there, so feel free to use that as our unbiased resource for making sense of the changes!

B1 β€’ Bay Ridge to Manhattan Beach

View the Complete Route Profile from the MTA

Route: No changes to existing route

Frequency of Service: No changes.

AM Peak
6am – 9am
9am – 2pm
PM Peak
2pm – 6pm
Early Evening
6pm – 8pm
Late Evening
8pm – 12am
Average Minutes Between Scheduled Departures


Stop #1: 86th St / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: 86th St / 5th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #3: 86th St / Fort Hamilton Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change


Stop #1: 86th St / Fort Hamilton Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: 5th Ave / 86th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #3: 87th St / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

B4 β€’ Bay Ridge to Sheepshead Bay

View the Complete Route Profile from the MTA

Route: Rerouted along Stillwell Ave in Gravesend, and Neptune Ave in Coney Island.
Frequency of Service: No changes.

AM Peak
6am – 9am
9am – 2pm
PM Peak
2pm – 6pm
Early Evening
6pm – 8pm
Late Evening
8pm – 12am
Average Minutes Between Scheduled Departures


Stop #1: Narrows Ave / 77th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Update: We’ve since become aware that this stop is actually pretty problematic for local residents. Part of the original 1931 trolley line, this stop is a weird terminus in the middle of a residential block, and sleeping passengers are kicked off here. If the MTA is truly redesigning it’s network, we think that it should rethink this entire loop and find a way to push the B4 all the way to Shore Road, rather than stop a block short.

Stop #2: 77th St / Colonial Rd
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘ŽThis elimination (and it’s sister-stop on 78th st) were probably cut due to low ridership, since it leaves a nearly 1,600ft gap between stops, all of it uphill, which is quite a bit more than the gap the MTA is trying to reach, of 1,00 to 1,320 feet on average for a local route. Even though the area is primarily low-density single-family housing, these are precisely the kinds of places where we need better transit, not worse, if we’re going to disincentivize car ownership. Still, if it truly does have extremely low ridership, perhaps the speed increase will make up for it.

Stop #3: 77th St / Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #4: 77th St / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: Moved across 4th Ave

Our Review: πŸ†Good idea. While it might seem weird to move a stop across the street, this actually really speeds things up since the bus can cross the green light at the intersection before being forced to stop and load/unload passengers, then continue on its way. Putting stops after traffic lights also allows tech like Transit Signal Priority to function properly.

Stop #5: 4th Ave / 77th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #6: Bay Ridge Pkwy / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘ Excellent elimination. This stop is an absurd 500 feet away from the stop right outside the 77th Street subway stop, and occurs right after a tight turn onto Bay Ridge Parkway. A removal on Doctors Row and might be met with concern for folks with limited mobility looking to get to their doctor’s offices, but the simple fact is that Bay Ridge has doctors offices all over the place that require similar if not longer walks, so it seems odd to be picky about 500 feet.

Stop #7: Bay Ridge Pkwy / 5th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #8: Bay Ridge Pkwy / 6th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #9: Bay Ridge Pkwy / 7th Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ†This makes sense, since it’s literally on the exact same block as the previous stop, and only about 380 feet away. The MTA would be absurd not to eliminate this one, especially since it holds up the bus while it’s trying to make the traffic light crossing into Dyker. The intersection is already congested enough without forcing buses to slowly stop and start right before the intersection.


Stop #1: Bay Ridge Pkwy / 6th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #1: Bay Ridge Pkwy / 5th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #3: 4th Ave / Bay Ridge Pkwy
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ†If the eastbound stop on Bay Ridge Pkwy around the corner was an easy elimination, this one is even easier. This stop is a mere 350 feet from the next one. We also bet that a fair number of riders request to stop here accidentally, since the 77th Street subway station is so close and it’s right after a turn.

Stop #4: 4th Ave / 77th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #5: 78th St / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ†Another good elimination. This one was a short 400 feet away from the previous stop, way shorter than the MTA’s ideal distance of 1,000 to 1,320 feet. It seems like the only reason this was a stop in the first place was probably because the MTA originally wanted stops shortly after turns so people could quickly request to get off if they didn’t expect the bus to suddenly change direction. Also, it’s on the same block as the next stop.

Stop #6: 78th St / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: 😞It seems a bit odd that this one wouldn’t move across the street like the eastbound stop at 77th and 3rd… until you realize this bus stop already benefits from a kind-of-nearby fire hydrant. Still, putting the stop after the traffic light would speed things up, but we suppose not eliminating parking spots had higher priority here.

Stop #7: 78th St / Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #8: 78th St / Colonial Rd
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ˜‘This echoes our criticism of removing the westbound 77th and Colonial stop: even though this location might have low ridership and be in a low-density area, it creates a huge (and hilly) gap between stops.

B8 β€’ Bay Ridge to Brownsville

View the Complete Route Profile from the MTA

Route: Minor routing changes at the end of the line in Brownsville

Frequency of Service: Increased frequency on weekdays and weekend evenings. No word, however, on whether the weekend frequency improvements will result in more busses departing from 95th St instead of the VA Hospital, as they currently do during the Saturday PM Peak.

AM Peak
6am – 9am
9am – 2pm
PM Peak
2pm – 6pm
Early Evening
6pm – 8pm
Late Evening
8pm – 12am
Weekday712 108814
Saturday13121012 1020
Sunday15141215 1325 22
Average Minutes Between Scheduled Departures


Stop #1: 4th Ave / 95th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: 4th Ave / 97th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #3: Fort Hamilton Pkwy / Marine Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #4: Fort Hamilton Pkwy / 95th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #5: 92nd St / Fort Hamilton Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change


Stop #1: 92nd St / Gatling Pl
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: 4th Ave / 92nd St
Proposed Status: No Change

B9 β€’ Bay Ridge to Kings Plaza

View the Complete Route Profile from the MTA

Route: No changes to existing route.

Frequency of Service: Major increase in frequency on weekday evenings. Frequency on Saturday improves slightly during daylight hours as well.

AM Peak
6am – 9am
9am – 2pm
PM Peak
2pm – 6pm
Early Evening
6pm – 8pm
Late Evening
8pm – 12am
Weekday69820 1028
Saturday1512 1012 1015 1220
Average Minutes Between Scheduled Departures


Stop #1: Shore Rd / 71st St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: Bay Ridge Ave / Shore Rd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #3: Bay Ridge Ave / Narrows Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ€“ This stop is only 580 feet from the previous one, and eliminating it creates a 1,380 foot gap to the next stop, which is riiiight at the upper range of the MTA’s ideal distance between stops. Technically ok.

Stop #4: Bay Ridge Ave / Colonial Rd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #5: Bay Ridge Ave / Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #6: Bay Ridge Ave / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #7 4th Ave / Bay Ridge Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #8: 4th Ave/ Senator St [New B64]
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #9: 4th Ave / 65th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ€” We dislike this one for two reasons: first, it’s right next to the Bay Ridge Towers, which due to their density deserve nearby stops. Secondly, we think it’s shortsighted to remove a stop right along the future IBX rail line. This one probably got cut due to low ridership, but that shouldn’t be the only metric used.


Stop #1: 4th Ave / 65th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: Same as the Eastbound review above.

Stop #2: 4th Ave / Senator St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #3: Bay Ridge Ave / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #4: Bay Ridge Ave / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #5: Bay Ridge Ave / Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #6: Bay Ridge Ave / Colonial Rd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #7: Narrows Ave / Bay Ridge Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #8: Narrows Ave / MacKay Pl
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ€— It’s bonkers this was ever a stop, when the bus is just gonna loop around and stop on the other side of the block. Give the room over to the school busses.

B16 β€’ Fort Hamilton to East Flatbush

View the Complete Route Profile from the MTA

Route: Reroutings in Borough Park and Kensington, and an extension at the end of the line to East Flatbush.

Frequency of Service: Moderately increased frequency on weekdays after morning and evening rush hours.

AM Peak
6am – 9am
9am – 2pm
PM Peak
2pm – 6pm
Early Evening
6pm – 8pm
Late Evening
8pm – 12am
Weekday620 15920 1530
Minutes Between Scheduled Departures


Stop #1: Shore Rd / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: Shore Rd / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😊 Literally 200 feet and just across the street from the previous stop. Why would you take a bus one stop to cross the street? Glad to see this one gone.

Stop #3: Shore Rd / 99th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #4: Shore Rd / 97th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘ Honestly, most of the Shore Road stop redesigns are confusing as hell. This one isn’t: it’s only 400 feet from the previous stop. It creates a gap of 1,290 feet or so between 99th and Ridge Blvd, which is right in the sweet spot of the MTA’s desired spacing.

Stop #5: Shore Rd/ Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #6: Shore Rd / Oliver St
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: πŸ˜• This stop is staying… but why eliminate the express route transfers?

Stop #7: Shore Rd / 91st St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #8: Narrows Ave / 89th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ₯‚ 430 feet from the previous, much more important stop at Shore Hill. Yeah, this one is toast.

Stop #9: Narrows Ave / 86th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #10: 86th St / Colonial Rd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #11: 86th St / Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #12: 86th St / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #13: 86th St / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #14: 86th St / 5th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #15: Fort Hamilton Pkwy / 86th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #16: Fort Hamilton Pkwy / 83rd St
Proposed Status: No Change


Stop #1: 7th Ave Service Rd / 79th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: 7th Ave Service Rd / 81st St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ˜“ We don’t like the removal of stops in front of playgrounds. But the stop is pretty close to the others, so we very begrudgingly accept this cut.

Stop #3: Fort Hamilton Pkwy / 83rd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #4: 86th St / Fort Hamilton Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #5: 86th St / 5th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #6: 86th St / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #7: 86th St / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: Moved Across 3rd Ave

Stop #8: 86th St/ Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #9: 86th St / Colonial Rd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #10: 86th St / Narrows Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #11: Shore Rd / 88th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😺 We get it. 600 feet from the previous stop, creates an ideal 1,300 foot gap between stops. Makes sense… unlike the next cut.

Stop #12: Shore Rd / Narrows Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #13: Shore Rd / 91st St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘Ώ Why the heck would you eliminate the B16, but keep the Express drop-off? What, are you gonna also tear down the bus shelter here? C’mon MTA. Either move the express stop to Narrows Ave, or move the B16 from Narrows Ave to here. Stop looking at stops in isolation! This has gotta be a mistake.

Stop #14: Shore Rd / Oliver St
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: 🦽 If you’re gonna keep these island stops (and you should), please work with the DOT actually provide some handicap accessibility. They’re an absolute pain to access.

Stop #15: Shore Rd / Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #16: Shore Rd / 97th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😭 This one just barely makes the MTA’s criteria: removing it creates a 1,315 foot gap between stops, just at the upper limit. But… but… it’s such a pretty stop! And it’s right near the renovated park entrance! It might make sense on paper, but this one harms accessibility to the park.

Stop #17: Shore Rd / 99th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #18: 3rd Ave / Shore Rd
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ”₯ This stop was seemingly placed just because the bus made a turn, and people may have not expected it and wanted to get off. With new digital signage, that’s not a worry anymore. Kill it.

Stop #19: 3rd Ave / Marine Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #20: Marine Ave / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ™ƒ Sure… but why keep the express stops? Just move them around the corner too, and you free up the entire curb for other uses!

Stop #21: 4th Ave / 99th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #22: 4th Ave / 100th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😞 It’s very close to other stops, and it makes sense to eliminate. But we’re against this elimination for emotional reasons: the Last Stop Deli needs its namesake! C’mon, MTA. It’s the last stop. It’s not gonna slow anything down. Keep it!

B37 β€’ Fort Hamilton to Downtown Brooklyn (3rd Ave)

View the Complete Route Profile from the MTA

Route: No changes to existing route

Frequency of Service: No changes. Honestly, the fact that this route, one of only two major north-south routes in Bay Ridge, still is never more frequent than 20 minutes, is absurd. We were really hoping to see frequency improvements here.

AM Peak
6am – 9am
9am – 2pm
PM Peak
2pm – 6pm
Early Evening
6pm – 8pm
Late Evening
8pm – 12am
Minutes Between Scheduled Departures

A note about the 3rd Avenue route…

This bus comes once in a blue moon. We’re all for making it faster, but we’re extremely disappointed to see zero changes to the atrocious service frequency. We are still putting our reviews for the individual cuts below (some good, mostly bad or confusing), based on the MTAs own stated metrics… but lets be clear, this route is sabotaged by its 20-30+ minute headways. We don’t care that the B37 goes 5 minutes faster if we still need to wait 30 minutes to catch it. Any cuts should be compensated with at least 10 minute service frequency improvements to match the B63! This is especially true when you consider the B37 is one of the relief valves for when the R train has unscheduled downtime and shuttle bus service isn’t in place (which happens way more often than it should).


Stop #1: Shore Rd / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: 3rd Ave / Marine Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #3: 3rd Ave / 97th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘ 200 feet from the previous stop. Creates an ideal 1,130 foot gap. Whatever, go for it.

Stop #4: 3rd Ave / 94th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: 🀷 This stop should have moved north across the street to speed up bus service, but the auto-body repair shop has its a curb cut there. Another instance where cars win out over public transit.

Stop #5: 3rd Ave / 92nd St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😠 This stop is right outside one of the only big grocery stores in Southern Bay Ridge. Eliminating this stop is a mistake, and will only harm people who use the bus to help get groceries, especially seniors and mobility-limited folks.

Stop #6: 3rd Ave / 90th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: πŸ’­ Maybe eliminate this one instead of 92nd Street? If they did, it’d create a slightly-farther-than-ideal gap of 1,450 feet between 92nd and 86th… but maybe it’s worth it in exchange for keeping the grocery store stop?

Stop #7: 3rd Ave / 88th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😐 500 feet between the previous and next stops. Pretty close, so it makes sense to cut. We gotta’ admit though, getting good spacing south of 86th on 3rd Ave is tough.

Stop #8: 3rd Ave / 86th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #9: 3rd Ave / 82nd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: This one should have been moved north across the street to the other corner. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t, and it’d speed things up a bit by getting the bus past the stop light.

Stop #10: 3rd Ave / 80th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘ 700 feet from the previous stop, and 470 feet from the next. Eliminating this one creates an ideal 1,170 foot gap between stops, so we’re gonna go along with this one.

Stop #11: 3rd Ave / 78th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #12: 3rd Ave / Bay Ridge Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #13: 3rd Ave / 72nd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #14: 3rd Ave / Bay Ridge Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #15: 3rd Ave / Senator St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😐 It seems like when the spacing between stops is 800 feet or so, they stay, since eliminating any one stop creates a 1,400 foot gap which is more than the MTA is aiming for. That’s why 72nd, for example, got to stay. But the distance between Senator and Bay Ridge Ave is only about 500 feet, so it gets eliminated.

Stop #16: 3rd Ave / 65th St
Proposed Status: No Change


Stop #1: 3rd Ave / 65th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: πŸ™ Again, we’d have preferred to see this stop move south across the street to speed up the bus through intersections and reduce accidents. No reason why not.

Stop #2: 3rd Ave / Senator St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘ This stop is pretty close to Bay Ridge Ave, like the Northbound stop: 500 feet or so. However, unlike the northbound stop, it’s 1,148 feet from the previous stop: a big gap. Still, we’re ok with the elimination, since most of that gap is bland bridge overpass that nobody is coming from or going to anyway.

Stop #3: 3rd Ave / Bay Ridge Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #4: 3rd Ave/ 72nd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #5: 3rd Ave / Bay Ridge Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #6: 3rd Ave / 77th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #7: 3rd Ave / 80th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ₯― No more easy (illegal) idling in front of Bagel Boy. This absolutely needs conversion into a CitiBike station and a Neighborhood Loading Zone, or the double-parking will become an genuine hazard. Gotta’ keep the curbside bagel pickup flowing.

Stop #8: 3rd Ave/ 83rd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #9: 3rd Ave / 86th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #10: 3rd Ave / 89th St
Proposed Status: Moved

Our Review: πŸ˜• Things get weird south of 86th. This relocation is confusing: it moves the stop south to 90th street, out of alignment with the northbound 89th street stop. It does add some needed distance from 86th street: 1,070 versus the old 800 feet. It’ll end up being worth it, though, as we get farther south.

Stop #11: 3rd Ave / 92nd St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘ Kinda’ close to the previous stop (no-matter where it’s moved to, 89th or 90th). A good cut.

Stop #12: 3rd Ave / 95th St
Proposed Status: Moved

Our Review: πŸ₯΄ This stop is moving north to 95th street, in front of The Common. With 92nd street cut, there’s a big gap between this stop and 89th. 89th moved a block south to make up for some of it, and now the 95th street stop is moving a block north to cover the rest of the gap! This is great, because the new location is across the street from the northbound stop. That’s great… except we actually think the northbound 95th street stop should be eliminated in exchange for keeping the Foodtown stop on 97th . Ugh. What a mess.

Stop #13: 3rd Ave / 97th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: πŸ˜’ This one is staying, even though the northbound stop across the street outside Foodtown is being eliminated?! C’mon MTA, make up your mind! This whole route needs a rethink.

Stop #14: 4th Ave / 99th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #15: 4th Ave / 100th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😒 Like we said for the B16: Save the Last Stop! Eliminating this stop will have minimal impact, and we really like that deli.

B63 β€’ Fort Hamilton to Cobble Hill (5th Ave)

View the Complete Route Profile from the MTA

Route: No changes to existing route

Frequency of Service: No changes. This one hurts in a similar way to the B37 on 3rd Ave. We were hoping to see slight improvements to get the majority of these frequencies to 10 minutes, especially in the early evening.

AM Peak
6am – 9am
9am – 2pm
PM Peak
2pm – 6pm
Early Evening
6pm – 8pm
Late Evening
8pm – 12am
Minutes Between Scheduled Departures


Stop #1: Shore Rd / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: 4th Ave / 100th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: You’ll need to walk a block north, not south, to grab the B16 and B37 now. Not much further though, 30 feet extra.

Stop #3: 4th Ave / Marine Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: 😐 Heads up, you’ll need to walk down to 99th for the B16, instead of right across the street on Marine.

Stop #4: 5th Ave / 95th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #5: 5th Ave / 92nd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #6: 5th Ave / 89th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #7: 5th Ave / 86th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #8: 5th Ave / 83rd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #9: 5th Ave / 80th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #10: 5th Ave / 77th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘ This stop is only 500 feet from the next stop at Bay Ridge Parkway, which is far more critical. Eliminating this stop creates a 1,330 foot gap between stops, which is right at the upper edge of what the MTA is aiming for.

Stop #11: 5th Ave/ Bay Ridge Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #12: 5th Ave/ 72nd St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😑 While the elimination at 77th was within the MTAs ideal spacing, this one isn’t. Eliminating this stop creates a 1,500 foot gap between Bay Ridge Parkway and Bay Ridge Ave right in the heart of Northern Bay Ridge. With Senator removed down the line as well, this becomes an indefensible elimination.

Stop #13: 5th Ave/ Bay Ridge Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #14: 5th Ave / Senator St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘ This elimination is easier to swallow. It’s only 500 feet from the previous stop at Bay Ridge Ave and the next stop at 66th. If you’re gonna eliminate one stop along northern 5th Ave, this is it.

Stop #15: 5th Ave / 66th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: πŸ“· Can’t wait for bus-mounted cameras to start ticketing illegally parked Nissans.


Stop #1: 5th Ave / 66th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: 5th Ave / Senator St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘This one is even closer to the previous stop than the northbound Senator Street removal: 450 feet or so from Leif Ericson park, and 580 feet away from the next stop at Bay Ridge Ave. Makes sense.

Stop #3: 5th Ave / Bay Ridge Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #4: 5th Ave / 72nd St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 🀬 Another indefensible removal, like the northbound 72nd street elimination. We should not be creating 1,500 foot gaps in service in the middle of northern Bay Ridge. It breaks the MTA’s own guidelines, and probably is only here to help push the average gap between stops up on the whole route.

Stop #5: 5th Ave / Bay Ridge Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #6: 5th Ave / 78th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #7: 5th Ave / 81st St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #8: 5th Ave / 84th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😐 To be fair, yeah, this one is only 500 feet from the next stop at 86th, and eliminating it creates a gap of about 1,330 feet, just at the limit of what the MTA is aiming for. No gain for parking, though, since the hydrant remains.

Stop #9: 5th Ave / 86th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #10: 5th Ave / 89th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #11: 5th Ave / 92nd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #12: 5th Ave / 94th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #13: 4th Ave / 97th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #14: 3rd Ave / 99th St
Proposed Status: Moved across the street

Stop #15: 3rd Ave / Shore Rd
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ† The next and final stop is quite literally around the corner, about 180 feet away. We’re happy to see this stop thrown in the trash bin.

B64 β€’ Brooklyn Army Terminal to Coney Island

View the Complete Route Profile from the MTA

Route: Major reroute in Bay Ridge: the bus no longer serves Bay Ridge Ave to the pier, instead turning north at 4th Avenue and proceeding to the Brooklyn Army Terminal and NYU Langone Hospital. A reroute in Coney Island has the bus take Cropsey instead of Stillwell Ave.

Frequency of Service: Increased frequency on weekends around noon, and increased morning frequency on the weekends. There are also big 10-minute increases to frequency late at night.

AM Peak
6am – 9am
9am – 2pm
PM Peak
2pm – 6pm
Early Evening
6pm – 8pm
Late Evening
8pm – 12am
Weekday1220 15121530 20
Saturday20 1512121330 20
Sunday25 2020 15151530 20
Minutes Between Scheduled Departures

A note about the Rerouting…

After the Express Service changes, this is the other big-impact change in Bay Ridge. With the B64 no longer heading down Bay Ridge Ave, the B9 is left to pick up the slack. That said, the B9 is indeed getting more frequent weekday evening service, increased from 20 minute headways to 10 minutes, as well as slightly improved Saturday service. However, for many, that still involves transferring from the B64 to the B9 at Bay Ridge Avenue, which likely won’t be a speedy transfer and result in slower travel times by around 15-20 minutes or so. That’s bad, and we’d like to see much better B9 frequency improvements to compensate.

That said, we do like the new destination for the B64. Bay Ridge doesn’t have a direct line to the NYU Langone hospital nor the Brooklyn Army Terminal. With new rail lines coming in in the form of the IBX, and increased Ferry Service down at the Army Terminal, it makes sense to connect these destinations to Bay Ridge. Indeed, before COVID, bus lines that went down there saw major passenger increases, while most other bus routes had passenger declines. In our opinion, it isn’t a bad change, but it does need better compensation since access to Shore Road is already very limited.


Stop #1: Bay Ridge Ave / Shore Rd
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ€” This entire stretch has been eliminated in favor of sending the B64 to the Brooklyn Army Terminal and the NYU Langone hospital. While it sucks for Bay Ridge, the B9 will still serve the same stops, and it’s nice to have improved public transit access to the BAT and the hospital. With the reduction in transit to the 69th St Pier, however, we’re wondering if ferry service will be eventually consolidated to the 58th street pier. Also, with the new Interboro line coming into effect at some point in the future, the B9 is now ideally suited for connecting service to the new terminal at BAT.

Stop #2: Bay Ridge Ave / Narrows Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: See above. The B9 is also eliminated from this stop, so it’s entirely gone.

Stop #3: Bay Ridge Ave / Colonial Rd
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: See above. Still served by the B9.

Stop #4: Bay Ridge Ave / Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: See above. Still served by the B9.

Stop #5: Bay Ridge Ave / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: See above. Still served by the B9.

Stop #1: 4th Ave / Senator St
Proposed Status: New

Our Review: πŸ₯³ Integrated nicely into the existing B9 stop. Seems good! This is part of the brand-new route to the Brooklyn Army Terminal and NYU Langone.

Stop #2: Bay Ridge Ave / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #3: Bay Ridge Ave / 5th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: 🫀 We would have liked to see this one move across the street to speed the bus through the intersection and reduce accidents. There’s no reason why it couldn’t move

Stop #4: Bay Ridge Ave / 6th Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ˜“ Honestly, we would have kept this one and instead eliminated the next stop down the block. This stop is adjoins 6th Ave, which is more densely populated, and closer to PS 170 than the next stop…

Stop #5: Bay Ridge Ave / 7th Ave Service Rd
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: 😣 We would have eliminated this stop instead of the preceding one. Clearly one has got to go: they’re on the same short block, only 300 feet from each other. But this one is next to the less-populated 7th Ave Service Road, and directly in front of someone’s house and active driveway.


Stop #1: Ovington Ave / 6th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: πŸ€“ Normally we don’t like stops right before traffic lights, but the next stop really does deserve to be cut instead.

Stop #2: Bay Ridge Ave / 6th Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘ Pretty much a single turn away from the previous stop, and on the same block as the next stop, this one makes sense to cut.

Stop #3: Bay Ridge Ave / 5th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #4: 4th Ave/ Bay Ridge Ave
Proposed Status: New

Our Review: 😐 The B64 diverges from its existing route, going north to the Brooklyn Army Terminal. Makes sense to integrate the stops into existing bus stops, but we’d like to see better enforcement so that the stop remains clear, and perhaps a bus shelter.

Stop #5: 4th Ave / Senator St
Proposed Status: New

Stop #4: Bay Ridge Ave / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: See above. Still served by the B9.

Stop #5: Bay Ridge Ave / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: See above. Still served by the B9.

Stop #6: Bay Ridge Ave / Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: See above. Still served by the B9.

Stop #7: Bay Ridge Ave / Colonial Rd
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: See above. Still served by the B9.

Stop #8: Narrows Ave / Bay Ridge Ave
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: See above. Still served by the B9.

Stop #9: Narrows Ave / MacKay Pl
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: See above. The B9 is removed as well, so this stop is totally gone.

Stop #10: Shore Rd / MacKay Pl
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: See above. Still served by the B9.

B70 β€’ Industry City to VA Hospital

View the Complete Route Profile from the MTA

Route: A minor reroute in Sunset Park, with the bus turning north at 3rd Ave to reach Industry City.

Frequency of Service: Increased frequency on weekdays at midday, which had kinda’ been all over the place.

AM Peak
6am – 9am
9am – 2pm
PM Peak
2pm – 6pm
Early Evening
6pm – 8pm
Late Evening
8pm – 12am
Weekday1025 16121428
Minutes Between Scheduled Departures


Stop #1: 7th Ave Service Rd / Ovington Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: 7th Ave Service Rd / 72nd St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😐 Another one of those eliminations that comes in just under the wire: eliminating this one creates a 1,300 ft gap between Ovington and Bay Ridge Parkway, which is just at the upper limit of what the MTA is aiming for with spacing. Still, it’s right next to the pedestrian overpass, which lots of kids use coming and going from school.

Stop #3: 7th Ave Service Rd / Bay Ridge Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change

Notes: With the B4 stop eliminated around the corner, there’s an extra 200 foot walk down the block to catch it at 6th Ave.

Stop #4: 7th Ave Service Rd / 77th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ˜€ An easy one. Pretty close to Bay Ridge Parkway and 79th, boxed in by the highway, and no pedestrian overpass nearby. Creates a nice 1,150 foot gap between stops, which is right in the center of what the MTA is looking for with spacing.

Stop #5: 7th Ave Service Rd / 79th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #6: 7th Ave Service Rd / 81st St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ˜“ We don’t like the removal of stops in front of playgrounds. But the stop is pretty close to the others, so we very begrudgingly accept this cut.

Stop #7: Fort Hamilton Pkwy / 83rd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #8: Fort Hamilton Pkwy / 86th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #9: Fort Hamilton Pkwy / 90th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #10: 92nd St / Fort Hamilton Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change


Stop #1: 92nd St / Gatling Pl
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: Fort Hamilton Pkwy / 90th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #3: Fort Hamilton Pkwy / 86th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #4: Fort Hamilton Pkwy / 83rd St
Proposed Status: No Change

BM7 / BM37 β€’ Express to Manhattan

View the Complete Route Profile for the BM7 (X27) and BM37 (X37) from the MTA

Route: The X27, now renamed the BM7, would exclusively serve the Financial District of Manhattan. The X37, now renamed the BM37, would keep the same route.

Frequency of Service: Slightly reduced AM rush hour frequency.

Early AM
5am – 6am
AM Peak
6am – 9am
9am – 4pm
PM Peak
4pm – 7pm
7pm – 12am
Weekday To Manhattan7 8
Weekday To Bay Ridge1115
Minutes Between Scheduled Departures

A Note About Express Service…

We mention this a few stops down, but we want to reiterate: the Express service is perhaps the biggest change Bay Ridge is facing, and perhaps the most unnecessary. It’s not like the Express is slow… in fact, it is perhaps one of the few Bay Ridge busses that is valued for it’s speed. Cutting ANY stops is frankly absurd (especially in a designated NORC) and will do very little to speed up service. Also, we don’t get into it here, but there’s major changes to the X27 involving cutting service to midtown, meaning there’s no evening service from upper Manhattan, which is very unfriendly to folks who get out of work late. It’s not like the MTA is cutting actual frequency much, so it’s not a cost-saving measure as far as we can discern. That said, we are including our reviews below with the caveat that we are gauging the cut stops by the MTA’s own metrics (I.E. 1,600 foot spacing)… which we don’t fully agree with for this route.

AM to Manhattan

Stop #1: Shore Rd / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #2: Shore Rd/ 99th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #3: Shore Rd / 97th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ™‚ Listen, all of the Express bus eliminations are a bit annoying to us. It’s not like these things have super-long routes through other neighborhoods that need lots of streamlining. Speed was never the issue with the Express bus, so it’s weird they are trying to make it faster by eliminating stops. That said, they do come quite frequently, so we very begrudgingly accept some of these removals. The average distance between stops the MTA is aiming for is 1,760 feet, longer than the 1,000-1,300 feet for the local routes. This elimination is pretty benign, with only a 1,330 foot gap created… similar to local service. That said, we have way more to say about the overall changes to Express Service. More on that in a future blog article.

Stop #4: Shore Rd / Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #5: Shore Rd / Oliver St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ˜‘ While the previous elimination only made a small gap between stops, this one creates a 1,750 foot gap between Ridge Blvd and 91st street. That’s actually right on target for the MTA’s desired average of 1,760 feet… but it’s also a hilly walk.

Stop #6: Shore Rd / 91st St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #7: Shore Rd / 88th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😑 This elimination blows way past the MTA’s desired spacing, creating an extremely hilly 2,230 foot gap between 92st and 83rd. Not cool.

Stop #8: Shore Rd / 83rd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #9: Shore Rd / 79th St
Proposed Status: Moved South Across Street

Our Review: πŸ˜• We’re confused. Normally, you’d want to keep a bus stop on the far side of an traffic-light intersection. Maybe there’s lots of loading time picking up passengers, so it’s faster to load them while waiting at the stop light? This one eliminates some parking too, since the new location to the south doesn’t have a hydrant, and the old spot does. Weird.

Stop #10: Shore Rd / Bay Ridge Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #11: Shore Rd / 72nd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #12: Bay Ridge Ave / Shore Rd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #13: Bay Ridge Ave / Colonial Rd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #14: 3rd Ave / Bay Ridge Ave
Proposed Status: New

Our Review: 🀘The fact that this wasn’t already an express stop is crazy. Excellent choice.

Stop #15: 3rd Ave / Senator St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😜 We’re fine with the elimination, since the new stop at Bay Ridge Ave was added… but the official MTA documentation has a typo and says this stop is Bay Ridge Ave / Senator St. Oops.

Stop #16: 3rd Ave / 65th St
Proposed Status: No Change

PM to Bay Ridge

Stop #1: Wakeman Pl / Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ‘ Sure, fine. This stop is literally on the same block as the next stop, 690 feet away… but it’s nice to be able to get off riiiiight as the bus exits the highway.

Stop #2: Wakeman Pl / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #3: Bay Ridge Ave / 3rd Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #4: Bay Ridge Ave / Colonial Rd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #5: Shore Rd / Bay Ridge Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #6: Shore Rd / 72nd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #7: Shore Rd / Bay Ridge Pkwy
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #8: Shore Rd / 79th St
Proposed Status: Moved across Crosswalk

Our Review: 😺 Pushes the stop to occur after the traffic light, so the bus doesn’t end up missing a light while offloading passengers. Should help speeding things up a tiny bit.

Stop #9: Shore Rd / 83rd St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #10: Shore Rd / 88th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😀 Sure, the B16 was eliminated from this stop as well, so it makes sense to cut the express too… but it also creates an absolutely gargantuan and hilly 2,460 foot gap between express dropoffs at 83rd and 91st…. way more than the MTA’s goal of 1,760 feet.

Stop #11: Shore Rd / 91st St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #12: Shore Rd / Oliver St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: πŸ˜” As far as express stop spacing goes, this one isn’t bad. Eliminating this stop creates a 1,700 foot gap, right at the MTA’s desired average. That said, the B16 still stops here, but was eliminated from the previous stop at 91st street, harming potential transfers. Really needs a bit more thought to keep the transfers intact.

Stop #13: Shore Rd / Ridge Blvd
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #14: Shore Rd / 97th St
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😐 We hated that the B16 was eliminated from this stop, but we’re less annoyed by the elimination of the express dropoff. This elimination creates a 1,320 foot gap between stops, more generous than the other express eliminations. We’ll accept it.

Stop #15: Shore Rd / 99th St
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #16: 3rd Ave / Shore Rd
Proposed Status: Removed

Our Review: 😌 The previous stop is 500 feet away down the block. This elimination follows the pattern of the MTA eliminating stops just because the bus made a turn. This is fine.

Stop #17: 3rd Ave / Marine Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Stop #18: Marine Ave / 4th Ave
Proposed Status: No Change

Our Review: ☹️ This one is a bit daft, since the B16 is eliminated from this stop, it’d make sense to eliminate the express as well, and instead move the express stop around the corner to the other B16/B37 stop in front of Campania. That’d free up this entire stop for new use, like a CitiBike rack or a Neighborhood Loading Zone.

Comments (2)
  1. Very concerned and upset about the changes to the Bay Ridge Express buses. Specifically about the Shore Road and 88th Street stop being removed??!!!! We are several senior and single women living right near that bus stop. If this is removed none of us will be going into New York City any longer. Not going to walk home from 83rd Street to 91st Street, especially in the evening. So New York City will be losing revenue in the Broadway theaters, restaurants, and shopping. This is really unnecessary — hard to understand why this particular stop might be removed. Good by New York City — and many of are thinking of leaving New York entirely — moving to a better place.

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