After a brief Coronavirus hiatus, we’re back with our 50th episode of Radio Free Bay Ridge! And to celebrate, we’re reuniting our old co-host duo of Rachel and Dan. This important episode comes with an even more important subject: the 2020 Census in Bay Ridge.

We are already deep into the 2020 Census. April 1st has already passed, the official date of the count. But Bay Ridge is lagging way behind the national response rate. If the trend continues, we are going to see a repeat of 2020: a disastrous undercount. That means worse healthcare planning, less money for infrastructure,

So today on the show, we’re going to talk about how we can improve Bay Ridge’s response rates. We will talk about how the odds are stacked against us. First, it was harmed by the Trump Administration’s efforts to skew the census results. Now, COVID-19 crisis has further harmed local get-out-the-count efforts.

But it is possible to overcome these challenges. Listen in, and check out our show notes below for how to get involved.

Help ensure resources are spent on hard-to-count and vulnerable populations!

Complete the census before September 30th, when the Census ends!

Local Response Rates as of July 17th 2020

Audio Bookmarks

Show Notes

Volunteer for Local Census Efforts

As we mentioned in the show, you can help volunteer to assist with local census efforts! As Mary mentioned, AAANY is working on phone and text banking. You can volunteer with the link below. You can also check out job openings with the US Census as well!

If you are running a local census outreach effort, please contact us and we’ll be happy to add your information below!

Bay Ridge Census Maps

Bay Ridge Average: 60.3%

New Jersey!?67.0%
United States64.9%
Staten Island63.0%
New York State61.0%
Bay Ridge60.3%
The Bronx58.9%
Dyker Heights51.0%
Sunset Park48.8%
Neighborhoods and State Rankings for Comparison

*Last updated August 31st, 2020. All data taken from the 2020 Census Response Rate Mapper

Social Media Census Kit

You can help spread the word about the census in Bay Ridge… online! Here are some ready-made graphics that you can use to boost local census efforts.

#BayRidgeCounts #2020Census #GetCountedNYC

Response Rate Map

Facebook Frames

Check out our custom profile picture frame if you use Facebook!

Social Media Banners

Zoom Backgrounds

Shareable Images

Census Memes!

We’ve created a couple of Bay Ridge focused memes for you to use freely! If you make any additional ones, feel free to email, tweet or Facebook message us and we can add them here!

A Challenger Appears!

If you are a member of a large organization or civic group in Bay Ridge, be sure to check out the US Census’s Challenge Toolkit. It can help you challenge friendly nearby businesses, block associations, social clubs, and more to increase our local response rate!

Additional Reading…

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