It’s more than just stop signs and speed bumps! In our last episode, we promised to bring you a bigger, badder deep-dive into street safety! One of our most requested topics, Dan and Brian will take you on a whirlwind tour of as many street design concepts as they can fit into an hour and change, as well as a brief history on why Bay Ridge has lagged behind in innovation.
Why do some street corners get extra-big, but not others? How can we make the B63 go faster? What can we do to help the visually impaired? Can we keep kids safe crossing even our busiest streets? How many lanes does a road even need, and how wide should they be? We’ll answer all these questions and more… and by the end, you’ll be able to suggest and envision your own street safety improvements, just in time for the big Street Safety summit on Wednesday, March 27th.
Warning: On today’s show, we curse a bit and briefly discuss violent traffic crashes and fatalities. It’s a serious topic; listener discretion is advised.
Show Notes
Learning More About the Designs…
We discussed a bunch of different street safety concepts and designs in the episode… but it’s a visual thing. Try these links to learn a bit more about each concept!
- Lane Narrowing
- Pedestrian Safety Islands
- Offset Intersections
- Pinch-points
- Bulb-outs / Curb Extensions
- Bus Bulbs
- Bus Pull-Out Stop
- Bus Queue Jumps
- On-board Bus Camera Enforcement
- Commercial Vehicle Loading Zones
- Off-Hours Delivery Programs
- Speed Bumps / Speed Humps
- Speed Cushions
- Speed Tables
- Raised Crosswalks
- Raised Intersections
- Stop Lines
- Advanced Stop Lines
- Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons
- Mini-Roundabouts
- Daylighting
- Chicanes
- Commercial Shared Streets
- Residential Shared Streets
- Street Seat Program
- De-Listing / Street Closures
- Tactile Pavers / Accessible Pedestrian Signaling