On October 3rd, 2018 we had one of the long-standing Bay Ridge debates occur under the auspices of our local Interagency Council on Aging. Held this year at the Fort Hamilton Senior Center with longtime moderator Peter Killen. The event was a whos-who of local politicians and included debates between every local candidate running in this year’s midterm elections. Today, however, we are focusing on just one: Golden vs Gounardes.

After the #BRForum debates, we asked our listeners what we should do with the audio. A majority of you said we should fact-check the debate… so we did! Today, co-host Dan will be breaking in between questions to provide context and fact-checks.

We’ll hear questions on a wide range of issues, much of it focusing on children. While this may seem jarring for a senior center debate, remember that older adults often have child safety as a top priority, especially as grandkids come along. So sit back and enjoy!

Note: We’ll also be posting the audio for the other debates that day! The include Mathylde Frontus vs Steve Saperstein, Adam Baumel vs Nicole Malliotakis, and Max Rose vs Dan Donovan. They will be available in the show notes below shortly.

Additional Debate Recordings

We only fully fact-checked and analyzed the Golden / Gounardes debate. However, that doesn’t mean there weren’t multiple great debates and forum questions in the past weeks! Check out all of our debate recordings below!

Andrew Gounardes / Martin Golden

While we just went through one of the least controversial debates between Andrew and Marty, there have been a plethora of debates in the 22nd State Senate District for 2018. We’re including all of them here in some form… as well as a few that are a blast from the past.

First off, is the debate which followed the Senior Forum, held by the Dyker Heights Civic Association. This is the first debate where the crowd really gets riled up, and you hear Marty’s first debate defense of the woman he hit with his car in 2005, his track record of disparaging remarks against immigrants, and continued debate over the child victims act. This is also the recording where you Marty becomes unable to differentiate the Child Victims Fund from the Child Victims Act while answering a question.

We also recorded live video of the most contentious, and in the end almost violent, local debate. It was held at Xaverian High School on October 23rd and hosted by the Bay Ridge Community Council. It starts off with the big event: the final debate between Marty and Andrew in front of a live audience. However, stick around to listen to Baumel vs Malliotakis, and Frontus vs. Saperstein.

Max Rose / Dan Donovan / Henry Bardel

We recorded the full audio of Max Rose and Henry “Hank” Bardel (Green Party) debating at the Fort Hamilton Senior Center on October 3rd. Dan Donovan declined to appear, instead attending a health fair on Staten Island at which he was not a scheduled speaker nor attending in his official elected capacity.

Dan Donovan did show up to the Bay Ridge Community Council debate at Xaverian on October 15th, though. Held shortly before the more widely publicized NY1 Debate at the College of Staten Island, it had many more suprises and back-and-forth, as it was the candidates first time genuinely debating each other. In our estimation, if you have to listen to only one Donovan/Rose debate, this would be the one.

Mathylde Frontus / Steve Saperstein

Sadly, Republican candidate Steve Saperstein wasn’t able to attend the Interagency Council on Aging’s forum. He and his wife recently had a child, and were unable to attend. We still have the full candidate forum recording with Democratic candidate Dr. Mathylde Frontus answering questions from constituents of the 46th Assembly District.

Mr. Saperstein did attend the next debate held by the Dyker Heights Civic Association, however. This debate became much rowdier than the Bay Ridge Forum, coming on the heels of a rather charged debate between Martin Golden and Andrew Gounardes.

Adam Baumel / Nicole Malliotakis

The final debate of the Interagency Council on Aging forum was between Democratic candidate Adam Baumel and Republican candidate Nicole Malliotakis. Both candidates answered questions from Bay Ridge residents. The 64th district includes a chunk of Bay Ridge, including almost all of the streets within the 70’s.

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